Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Captain Phillips

Watching this movie I was a little scared for him myself, I didn't get to watch the whole entire movie from the beginning but i enjoyed watching what I did get to watch. He was a brave men, especially when he tried to fight one of them and get away. That was a brave decision, I would of never did that.  But when he got away I was happy for, at the end I really got emotional because he really was thinking that this was gone go on and on. I learned the being a follower would get in a lot of trouble than you think, at the end only one got caught and now he have the blame for it all. I'm glade he made it out safe.

Apollo 13

Apollo 13 was a great movie I enjoyed watching this movie. They were some brave people because I know if that was me that was stuck in space I know I would panic and go crazy. It was great how they had the family watching these three men go off into space and watch how there husband and father was doing. One day when I have girls night I think I might bring this movie up, I really enjoyed this movie.

Friday, March 7, 2014


All though this movie was very grusum and gory I felt it taught a really great lesson. I like how it showed ideas of the civil war and fighting through the eyes of an African American. The actors in the movie did a nice job showing what life for an African American solider was like. I did not realize that African American actually fraught in the civil war. The movie teaches a good moral and that you should never give up when fighting for something you believe in. It makes me sad to realize that such racism actually went on. One thing in the movie that really inspired me was how the 54th cavalry did what was right even though others did not agree. The best thing is that other cavalries followed the something which was the right thing to do. This proves that at end good always win.

The godfather

I didn't really enjoy watching this movie,  I'm not into movies with shooting through out the whole entire movie. I dislike watching movies with people dying for no reason. Watching this movie made me feel like I was in the middle of the gun shooting because I know what's going on, on one side of each groups. Vito was the center of the movie because he was the godfather and everyone looked up to him for favors.  What I know about organize crime was it's really organize and it's hard to actually get caught and the person you setting up won't even know it's coming.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


"Miracle is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is there fore considered to be the work of a divine agency". I enjoyed watching this movie because it really showed the true definition of miracle, it helped me understand that anything is possible. I don't think I dislike the movie, it really caught my attention through out the whole entire movie. I also, liked how his wife had his back though everything that he needed. While I was watching this movie when he said that he not looking for good players, he looking for players to be good something like that really touched me in so many ways. Theres alot of girls that want to play softball think that just because they can't throw or catch or run fast can't play. I feel like they can be taught, anything that you want to do fight for it.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Watching this film inspired me in so many ways first I would like to say how he taught me to ignore ignorance. I have a big problem ignoring a lot of people when they say off the wall things. When I saw Jackie Robinson ignoring them and just dealing with what was going on showed me to keep going and follow through with your dreams. I used to tell my mom I didn't want to play sports because of a person or what was going. I should of listen to my mom and did whatever sports I wanted to do, now I wish everyday wishing I was playing basketball, cheerleading and etc. yes I think Jackie Robinson really helped this country come together and it doesn't matter what color you are to play a sports. As I said before he really helped me understand why I should just ignore and keep going. " a life is not important except on the impact " I believe this mean the wrong things is not important, the key to success is more important.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


While watching Tombstone It actually caught my attention. at first I wasn't for sure If I wanted to pay attention, but as the movie started and got deeper into the movie. It became interesting to me!  Due to the gunshots it was hard to not pay attention and fall asleep, but  I enjoyed the cow boy type of them. I loved how there wives was there when they needed them

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My introduction

My name is Danayja'. I can be described as a kindhearted person; if I have something, I want my friends and family to have it, too. My dream is to study pre-law and one day become a lawyer. I love learning new things when it comes to school, but one thing I dislike is the heavy workload we receive. Even though I dislike the work, I realize that it helps motivate me. For example, History is not my favorite subject, but I realize it is a class I have to take in order to graduate. I don't have a favorite teacher.
    I am not proud of humanity today. Everywhere we look, there are people being murdered without good reason, raped, and committing suicide because they were bullied. I feel we all should be one and not be so mad at the world. So many people are murdered for silly reasons, such as looking at another person the wrong way. I have been touched by a murder in my own family; my cousin, Dex, was killed in 2010 at a bar, even though all the witnesses say he was minding his own business. Till this day, my family and I still hear stories from people who were there when he was shot. My cousin could still be alive today if everybody put the weapons away and live life like normal people.